Hilderland Container (Hilderlandcontainer.com) is a scam website.
They will take your money and have no intentions of supplying you with a shipping container. Please do not send any payments to this website.
Spotted October 2019: This site is currently inactive
This is a very recent spot, we have not yet heard directly from any victims, but this site has many close connections with every other scam website we have listed. This gives us a veyr high degree of confidence this is a scam site. This includes:
- A now standard claim to be the UKs number 1 supplier
- Website text copied and pasted directly from a legitimate traders website
- A fake address that looks connected with the shipping industry.
- A stolen company reg number (they advertise someone else’s company registration number and advertise this to look legitimate)
- They don’t know very much about shipping containers (the images ‘used’ are often under the wrong headings)
- Other giveaway info we don’t want to advertise as this could be used as evidence to connect all these sites at a later date. (we are pretty sure the scammers must be checking out this website by now!)
Hilderland container operating in the UK should not be confused with similar sounding companies in operation elsewhere. To our knowledge the scammers will often use a name very similar to other companies operating in other countries to try and appear legitimate.
However if you approach their .com website you will see what appears to be a UK based shipping container trading company. Based on previous form if you approach them for a quote this is the standard MO to expect:
- If you call their lines are always busy and go through to voicemail, this is to help them screen out calls from angry victims.
- If you call they will ordinarily call you back immediately.
- If you call or email you will receive a professional looking quote. This will commonly be 10-20% cheaper than a legitimate container trader, and often include free delivery.
- If you proceed with the booking, you will receive a formal looking invoice. We expect the company reg number and any VAT number showing will have been taken from a different (unrelated) legitimate business, often with a similar name.
- If you send payment, you will not see a container and you’re very unlikely to see your money back.
If you are in contact with Hilderland containers or any company you want to check out please refer to our advice pages for more detail on how to check out any business before sending payments over.
If you have been scammed, please report this to action fraud and / or your local police force. (we cannot make crime reports on behalf of victims), but please feel free to get in touch as we are collating what info we can, to try and ensure that these cases are all linked together.